🌔Utilities & Philanthropy

There are several utilities come with our Membership NFT, these include but not limited to:

  1. Philanthropy (Good-Living / Back Up Charity): You invest, we donate. We support local charities to nourish a responsible community and encourage a better living for humans. Each donation scheme will come with a specific NFT airdropped to your wallet as a thank you card.

  2. Giveaway: Ticket of Hantec Markets Australia events, festival card, raffle etc.

  3. Access to the community: The community is the place where you can stay with each other and mature with time. We provide a community for stakeholders to grow, share and explore in the space and a Web3 community chatroom on discord will be established.

  4. Access to online events: AMA (ask my anything), guest speakers talk etc.

  5. Participation: you will have chances to vote for issues regarding this NFT.

Last updated